Cycle 1: cycle des apprentissages premiers
Maternelle petite section (18 mois- 3 ans)
Our Early Years class offers our youngest pupils their first experience of our Petite École. These weekly sessions, where children are accompanied by a parent or guardian, provide a fun and supportive environment for social interaction and discovery. Through nursery rhymes, songs, and games, children are immersed in the French languageMARTERNELLE GRANDE SECTION- RECEPTION (3-4 ANS)
Our primary goal in the middle section is to develop children’s oral language skills through play. We help them build confidence by introducing new vocabulary, encouraging critical thinking, and fostering social interactions. We also introduce basic literacy concepts through hands-on activities and drawing.Cycle 2: Cycle des apprentissages fondamentaux
Maternelle Grande section /Reception- Pré-lecture (4-5ans)
he grande section offers children the opportunity to consolidate and expand on their early learning. Through exploring topics like animals, plants, and objects, children are introduced to the basics of phonics and graphemes, setting them up for success in their future studies.CP1 – Year 1 (5-6 ans) Our first-year primary school curriculum places a strong emphasis on literacy development. Children learn the fundamentals of reading and writing through a structured approach, while also exploring the joy of language through stories, songs, and creative activities. We foster a love of reading by providing opportunities for independent reading both in and out of the classroom. CP2 – Year 2 (6 – 7 ans) In the second year of preparatory school, we begin by assessing children’s reading and writing skills to ensure they are secure in these areas. We then move on to more complex graphemes and phonemes. Pupils are encouraged to become more independent and creative with language, and there are plenty of opportunities for them to express themselves, develop their vocabulary, and enjoy stories and games. We strongly encourage children to borrow books from our library.
CE1/CE2 – Year 3/4 (7 – 9 ans)
Building on their strong reading skills, children in CE1 and CE2 begin to explore grammar, including parts of speech and verb tenses, and spelling. We also provide opportunities for independent reading through our school library. cycle 3: Cycle de consolidation
CM1-CM2 / Year 5/6 (9 -11 ans) In these grades, children explore a wide range of subjects, including geography and history, while continuing to develop their language skills. Teachers provide personalized support to ensure that all children make progress. We encourage independent reading through our school library.
6ème-5ème/ Year 7/8 (11 – 13 ans) Years 7 and 8 provide students with the opportunity to consolidate their understanding of grammar and improve their written and spoken language. They explore a wide range of topics, both classic and contemporary, that are interesting and relevant to their age. We encourage a love of reading by providing access to our school library.
cycle 4: cycle des approndissements
3eme-4eme/ Year 8/9 – Prepa DELF B1 (13 -15 ans) La Petite École de Leeds offers our Year 9 and 8 students the opportunity to prepare for the DELF B1 intermediate level French language diploma. This diploma, issued by the French Ministry of Education, is internationally recognised. The exam consists of four parts: listening comprehension, written production, reading comprehension, and oral production.

Seconde/ Year 10 – prepa GCSE French (15-16 ans) For our students who attend English schools, we offer a GCSE French preparation course. This course focuses on developing the skills needed to succeed in the exam, including listening, reading, writing and speaking. Students will practice with past papers, learn about the marking criteria, and explore the key themes of the GCSE.
1ere – Year 11 – Prepa DELF B2 ( 16 – 17 ans) Our Year 11 students are preparing for the DELF B2 intermediate level French language diploma. This diploma, issued by the French Ministry of Education, is internationally recognised and is required for entry to most French universities. Like the B1 exam, it consists of four parts: listening comprehension, written production, reading comprehension, and oral production. To succeed, students must be able to express their opinions, construct arguments, negotiate, and speak fluently and independently.